
Vaping in the Workplace: Implications for Employer-Sponsored Tobacco Cessation Programs

Research Summary:


Assess workplace vaping as a trigger for tobacco use; examine interest in and prevalence of vaping cessation programs; determine needs of parents whose children vape.


Employees of companies with more than 150 employees, drawn from an opt-in national online panel (N = 1607), ages 18 to 65, completed an online survey in November 2019.


Among tobacco users, 46% to 48% reported workplace vaping was a trigger for smoking and vaping, respectively; 7% of former users reported it as a trigger. Quit vaping support is important to 85% of employees; 1/3 of workplaces have such programs, with industry variation. Child vaping results in presenteeism and absenteeism among roughly 1/3 of parents.


Workplace vaping is a trigger for smoking and vaping among current and former tobacco users. A gap exists between desired support for vaping cessation and current employer-sponsored cessation programs.

Human Resources Today