
Changes Over Time in Reasons for Quitting Vaping Among Treatment-Seeking Young People From 2019 to 2022

Research Summary:


The landscape of availability, policies, and norms around e-cigarette use and cessation has changed rapidly in the last few years. There is also high interest in quitting vaping among teens and young adults. Understanding the motivation of those who want to quit vaping is important for effective intervention development. This analysis compares user-submitted reasons for quitting (RFQ) vaping from 2022 to a previous analysis from 2019 to determine whether motivations have shifted among young people.


We reviewed 2000 RFQ submissions from users who enrolled in a vaping cessation text message program in 2022. Each response was coded by ≥ 2 researchers and categorized into one of 16 themes. Findings were compared to the 2019 analysis using item-wise comparisons.


The most frequent RFQ in 2022 were health (56.1%), social influence (15.8%), and other (11.7%). In comparison to 2019, health remained the top reason, but the rank order of all other reasons shifted. Theme prevalence changed significantly, with cost decreasing and health increasing. Among health-related sub-categories, current and mental health increased compared to 2019 submissions.

Human Resources Today