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Return on Investment Analysis of EX Program

Return on Investment Analysis of EX Program

A cost effectiveness study conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago found EX Program provided a strong return on investment for large manufacturer B. Braun Medical, Inc., yielding a 4.75x ROI in healthcare cost savings alone in the first year after program enrollment.

NORC (National Opinion Research Center) at the University of Chicago is an objective, nonpartisan research organization that has been a pioneer in research and data science for over 80 years.

Total, the study found EX Program produced $1,910 in savings per enrollee in the one-year period following enrollment. Savings were roughly split between healthcare cost savings and productivity gains.

Estimated cost savings for B. Braun Medical, Inc. totaled $400,000 in the first year of implementing EX Program.

Download the ROI Analysis of EX Program now.

Human Resources Today