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Thinking about becoming a tobacco-free workplace?
The benefits are plentiful.
Implementing a tobacco-free worksite policy can help users quit. And when users quit, employers save money on healthcare costs and gain increases in worker productivity. A tobacco-free workplace also reduces exposure to harmful secondhand smoke, providing a healthy working environment to all staff.
Here are a few tips to get you started with a thoughtful implementation of a tobacco-free policy at your workplace:
1. Assess your current situation
The first step in developing a tobacco-free workplace policy is to assess your current situation. For example, does some version of a policy already exist? If so, is it written down? Is it enforced? Does it need updating to include e-cigarettes? Are employees aware of the policy?
Collect this insight in the same way you normally pursue information, such as through meetings, work groups, task forces, or surveys. Be sure to include nonsmokers as well as smokers in your research. Plus, you’ll want to include input from a range of company representatives including HR, people managers, union representatives, and safety and health supervisors.
2. Obtain management support
Management support is critical to the successful development and launch of a tobacco-free workplace policy. When leadership shows a commitment to the policy, they can facilitate change in the workplace and influence staff attitudes.
Gain management buy-in by sharing the benefits of being a tobacco-free workplace, legal requirements for tobacco-free work environments, and a projected timeline for policy development and launch.
Download our tip sheet for 5 additional tips on how to go tobacco-free at your workplace.
These 5 tips include:
- How to develop a comprehensive policy and message
- Selecting a timeframe and launch date
- Ways to communicate the policy
- When to evaluate policy effectiveness
For more insights on tobacco use policies in the workplace, visit:
“Tip Sheet: Tobacco-free Policies in the Workplace—Clear Answers for Tough Questions.”
Creating a No Smoking Policy in the Workplace that Sticks
4 Tips for Including Vaping in Your No Smoking Policy at Work