
With Employee Smoking, Do You Speak Every Generation’s Language? [INFOGRAPHIC]

With Employee Smoking, Do You Speak Every Generation’s Language? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Quick quiz about employee smoking:

  • Smokers of which generation are more likely to participate in quit-smoking programs?
  • Which generations prefer guidance to reduce employee smoking, compared to more autonomy and ownership over the process?
  • And if you’re offering phone coaching to reduce smoking in the workplace, does that appeal to everyone, or only select generations?

The fact is that every generation is distinctive in subtle, and sometimes obvious, ways. How they approach work etiquette, how they use social media and online tools, even the slang they prefer.

So, it’s no surprise they would be unique when it comes to both tobacco preference and what works best to help them quit. With Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, Millennials, and Gen Zs all part of today’s workforce mix, it’s simply not possible to have a one-size-fits-all approach to tobacco cessation without some employees feeling left out. And when they do, they may be less likely to use the resources you provide.

Research shows that most tobacco users overwhelmingly want to quit. By understanding how each group operates in terms of support, you may be able to better engage them in quitting.

Different generations, different approaches to employee smoking

Phone coaching has historically been the gold standard when it comes to tobacco cessation benefits, but there have been decreases over time in utilization, particularly among young people. For example, 71% of Millennials expect to be able to schedule appointments online instead of by phone. Why would tobacco cessation be any different?

But that’s far from the only difference when it comes to generation-based preferences. Here are 6 key insights into how each generation is unique.

6 Key Stats on Different Age Groups and Different Approaches to Tobacco Use


See more information about how to help young adults quit vaping, see our blog Many Young E-Cig Users Want to Stop Vaping—We Asked Them Why. 

For more details on different tobacco use types by different populations, see our blog What CDC’s Latest Statistics on Smoking Reveal.

Megan Jacobs MPH

Senior Vice President of Product, Innovations

Megan Jacobs is responsible for the design, delivery, and evaluation of innovative digital health solutions at Truth Initiative. Jacobs led the EX Program team responsible for the first evidence-based text messaging program to help e-cigarette users of all ages quit. She formed her expertise in mHealth interventions and public health campaigns with her work at the University of Michigan Health Service, DC Department of Health, and the National Vaccine Program Office. Her public health work over the past 15 years has applied technology to behavior change ranging from adolescent sexual health to vaccinations. Jacobs received her Master of Public Health from the Milken Institute School of Public Health at George Washington University and is also a graduate of the University of Michigan.

Human Resources Today