
3 Ways to Promote This Year’s World No Tobacco Day

3 Ways to Promote This Year’s World No Tobacco Day

Every year, the World Health Organization celebrates World No Tobacco Day to raise awareness of the harmful effects of tobacco and to discourage its use in any form.

The goal is to encourage a global 24-hour pause from all forms of tobacco use. World No Tobacco Day is May 31; the theme this year is about the harmful impact of the tobacco industry on the environment.

So, what’s this got to do with employees? The answer: plenty.

Tobacco kills over 8 million people every year and destroys our environment, further harming human health, through the cultivation, production, distribution, consumption, and post-consumer waste.

To build off of World No Tobacco Day and raise awareness of the quit-tobacco services your organization offers, here are some promotional ideas to get you started.

2022 World No Tobacco Day promotional ideas

Create an infographic that highlights World No Tobacco Day.
Create an infographic to communicate that World No Tobacco Day is May 31 and this year’s theme about the impact of tobacco on the environment. Here are some stats to use:

tobacco use and environment

World No Tobacco Day

World No Tobacco Day and environment

Then post the infographic on your company intranet and share it in your internal e-newsletter.

For more stats on the impact of tobacco use on the environment, see Tobacco and the Environment on the Truth Initiative site.

Host a 15- to 30-minute online information session about your company’s quit-tobacco program on or before May 31.

Whether this takes the form of a Zoom meeting, webinar, or in-person forum, the event should share resources that help families and their dependents quit tobacco. Make sure to include information about how easy it is to join the program with highlights of how the program works like this video for the EX Program.

Use displays and flyers in breakrooms and social posts to keep your quit-tobacco resources top of mind before and after May 31.

Through the EX Program, clients receive ready-to-use promotional materials to post on their social channels or intranet, reminding employees about the tobacco cessation benefits available to them.

Promotions for the EX Program include materials for displays (to use with TV monitors in lobbies and breakrooms, for example) and social media/intranet posts because we know it’s important to use multiple channels to keep quit-tobacco resources top of mind.

Don’t currently offer support to help adults quit tobacco?

This year’s World No Tobacco Day is a great reminder about the need to help employees and their dependents quit tobacco for good. And we’re here to help.

If you’re interested in offering an easy-access, tailored quit-tobacco program for your employees that works, contact us today and let’s start a conversation.

Jessie Saul Ph.D.

Director, Strategic Insights

Dr. Jessie Saul brings 19 years of experience in research, program evaluation, and strategic implementation around tobacco cessation. She applies this deep understanding to improve EX Program performance and reduce tobacco use among populations. She earned her Ph.D. in Science and Technology Studies from Cornell University.

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