Its Not Cool

Join BecomeAnEX Now!

Get quitting off the TO-DO list and on the TO-DAY list. We can help.
Yes, I want to receive FREE support to live free from menthol cigarettes and nicotine.
I’m not ready to quit yet. I want to learn more about the impact of menthol cigarettes.



UN-COOL consequences of smoking menthols (in addition to lung disease):

Weakened immune system

Shortened live expectancy

Premature aging and wrinkles

Less money for things you want

Second-hand smoke exposure

BecomeAnEX can give you the skills and confidence to live tobacco-free. BecomeAnEX is a FREE resource built in collaboration with Mayo Clinic.

Menthol cigarettes can have side effects that are harmful to your body, the health of your loved ones, and your financial freedom. In fact, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced plans at the end of April 2022 to move forward with a menthol cigarette ban. Now is your chance to get the help you need to stop smoking menthols with BecomeAnEX. BecomeAnEX is a FREE, personalized, and convenient digital quit-tobacco program that can help you quit menthols.

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