Internet quit smoking programs can help smokers quit, but a challenge is getting would-be quitters to take advantage of all the available tools that are critical to quitting successfully. This study tested the impact of different strategies designed to boost engagement with an Internet quit smoking program (EX). More than 5,000 smokers were recruited at the time they registered on EX. All participants had full access to the tools and community on EX. In addition, some participants received personal welcome messages from existing community members, some received free quit smoking medication, and some received both. The study interventions boosted engagement in expected directions. However, the highest quit rates were achieved by participants who used all program elements without any study encouragement.
- Improving Adherence to Smoking Cessation Treatment: Smoking Outcomes in a Web-based Randomized Trial
- Exposure to Positive Peer Sentiment About Nicotine Replacement Therapy in an Online Smoking Cessation Community is Associated with NRT Use
- Improving Adherence to Smoking Cessation Treatment: Intervention Effects in a Web-based Randomized Trial
- Feasibility of Biochemical Verification in a Web-based Smoking Cessation Study
- A Preliminary Exploration of Former Smokers Enrolled in an Internet Smoking Cessation Program
- Baseline Characteristics and Generalizability of Participants in an Internet Smoking Cessation Randomized Trial
- E-cigarettes and Smoking Cessation: Insights and Cautions from a Secondary Analysis of Data from a Study of Online Treatment-seeking Smokers
- Impact of Seasonality on Recruitment, Retention, Adherence, and Outcomes in a Web-Based Smoking Cessation Intervention: Randomized Controlled Trial
- Improving Adherence to Web-based Cessation Programs: a Randomized Controlled Trial Study Protocol