
When Parents Smoke, Here’s How It Can Affect Teen Vaping

When Parents Smoke, Here’s How It Can Affect Teen Vaping

Although teen vaping is strongly influenced by peers, parents play a significant role, too.

New research suggests that adolescents with parents who smoke are at increased risk for trying vaping and smoking: 55% more likely to try e-cigarettes and 51% more likely to have tried smoking. This is in line with previous findings, which include these facts:

  • The more a parent smokes, the more their teenage son or daughter will be at risk, according to research in the American Journal of Public Health. This association is particularly strong for daughters whose mothers smoke. This study also concluded that reducing parental smoking would not only lower teen smoking but would also address adolescent mental health.
  • Research in Pediatrics notes that when parents are smokers, children and teens are likely to pick up smoking earlier than their peers and become addicted sooner.
Why does this matter to employers? Here are 2 good reasons.

First, smoking at home affects the health of the entire household and can increase claims costs for employees with families on health coverage offered through their employer.

Secondly, teen vaping can also affect an employee’s work performance overall. Research in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine found that among parents whose child was vaping, nearly a third missed work as a consequence, 29% said they are less productive, 35% reported difficulty focusing on work, and 43% felt anxious or worried.

Getting the Right Resources to Help with Teen Vaping, Improve Family Health

In addition to supporting employees to quit smoking, vaping, and nicotine, the EX Program also recently launched a more robust suite of resources to support parents whose children are vaping.

These resources include:

  • 24/7 support in the EX Community from other parents as well as former tobacco users who can help parents understand what it feels like to quit
  • 1:1 live chat with EX Coaches who are quitting experts and can support parents in navigating a child’s tobacco addiction
  • Emails with tips and strategies to navigate conversations with a child
  • Text messages and emails to guide conversations with teens and young adults, and to offer strategies for managing stress
  • Interactive tools and videos that cover proven quitting techniques

Parents can have peace of mind knowing their children are lowering significant health risks. Adults can also use EX Program to follow their own cessation path if they use tobacco as well.

See our Program page to learn about the comprehensive program we offer to help employees and their families live free from tobacco. Or contact us today

Megan Jacobs MPH

Senior Vice President of Product, Innovations

Megan Jacobs is responsible for the design, delivery, and evaluation of innovative digital health solutions at Truth Initiative. Jacobs led the EX Program team responsible for the first evidence-based text messaging program to help e-cigarette users of all ages quit. She formed her expertise in mHealth interventions and public health campaigns with her work at the University of Michigan Health Service, DC Department of Health, and the National Vaccine Program Office. Her public health work over the past 15 years has applied technology to behavior change ranging from adolescent sexual health to vaccinations. Jacobs received her Master of Public Health from the Milken Institute School of Public Health at George Washington University and is also a graduate of the University of Michigan.

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